

Standalone placements are for young people who might have previously lived in a shared house or received bespoke 24/7 one-to-one support but are now part of a stepped-down approach. Young people within a standalone placement would be accommodated in a one-bedroom flat where they would still receive a minimum of one hour of support per week. Each placement can have high or medium levels of support dependent on the changing needs of the young person.

Although we ensure that the young person continues to be supported, a plan would be put in place to gradually reduce support in order to transition a young person from supported accommodation services to their own tenancy within an independent living environment.


Support Health Care supported living provides intensive 24/7 supported accommodation, which includes bespoke one-to-one support for particularly challenging and complex vulnerable young people. We understand the clear and proven links between a healthy, active lifestyle and good physical and mental health, which is key to a young person’s chances of living independently. Our personalised approach allows us to support young people in addition to identifying and addressing their individual needs, challenging risky behaviours and supporting them to access local community services safely and independently.


We have a robust matching process so that young people can live safely and happily as a group. Young people living in our shared houses are provided with a minimum of 5 hours of support each week to achieve independence, according to their assessed needs. Support is adjusted according to the changing needs of the young person and can increase or decrease to respond to individual needs.

Whilst a young person is living at Support Health Care supported living we deliver a ‘step down’ support package to increase the young person’s skills, giving them greater capacity and ability to achieve independence.


Young People’s needs for accommodation and support can change on a daily basis and at Support Health Care supported living we can respond to those emergency placements. These can include young people whose latest placements have broken down, who have been released from custody early, whose lives are at risk due to gang involvement or Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) and young people at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) that might need an immediate move.

Support Health Care supported living would seek to work with the Local Authority to provide accommodation, whether this be in a shared, standalone or bespoke one-to-one accommodation with 24/7 support.


Support Health Care supported living provides shared accommodation for young people requiring Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) or Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) placements and we work to ensure the young person is at the heart of these services.

When working with UASC, a specialised support package is put in place based on the individual needs of the young person. This can be as simple as improving health and well-being, working on the young person’s stability and building up their supportive network by engaging the young person in GP services, dentists and educational providers, all of which might require an interpreter.

We have a dedicated team of staff that support young people that might be susceptible to CSE. Staff will work with the young person to forge safe and appropriate relationships with others within our Preparation for Independence Support Programme, including work on relationships which may be conducted in person and online. We know that safety is critical to independence, so we address risk-taking behaviours and the risk of CSE, online grooming, gang-related activities, cyber-bullying and offending behaviour.