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About Us
Supporting Young People, Care Leavers & Adults
Forensic Mental Health | Complex Needs | Drug & Alcohol Misuse | Learning Disabilities | Autism Spectrum Disorder
At Support Health Care Supported Living we understand that Service Users’ recovery journeys progress at different paces and Service Users need different levels of support along the way. We provide a range of care packages to help Service Users bridge the move from hospitals or residential care home recovery setting to living independently in their own homes.
We provide Supported Housing and trained staff to help individuals to maintain a stable mental health, tenancy, develop independent living skills and access community services. Although we have a standard, core provision, the precise facilities and support we offer is flexible and tailored to meet local needs.

We ensure that all those we support feel safe and are treated with dignity and respect at all times. We respect your right to privacy when you want it. We listen to what you want and what you say about our service.
Anatasya Melkomva
Doctor Health Care