Supported Living +
Our Supported Living Plus services enable people to live independently and manage their own tenancies, with support designed around their needs and goals.
Supported Living +
Our Supported Living Plus services are provided in conjunction with individual flats and shared spaces balance the opportunity for independent living with space for activities and companionship, to reduce the risk of social isolation.
What is Supported Living +
Our Supported Living Plus services offer a step down for people who are ready to move away from residential care but who may need more support than supported living offers. This enables us to offer a higher level of initial support with a clear pathway for reducing support over time as people become more independent.
We focus on providing accommodation and support for autistic adults and people with learning disabilities and/or complex needs. This includes tailoring support around individual needs and supporting people to learn new skills and build the confidence to meet aspirations, engage in activities and create an enjoyable lifestyle. Accommodation is provided, and people are supported to maintain their own tenancies.